Wednesday, March 17, 2021

I bought myself some TOMBOWs

 Plunging headlong down the stationery rabbit hole after a hiatus.... 

Thanks to the amazing group on FB, The Erasable Podcast Pencil Company, I discovered Tombow pencils.

Most of the members of the group are not based in India, so trading with them is probably unlikely. 

So I decided to look on Amazon India. Pleasant surprise, found the Tombow Mono R there. 

I also bought a pack of Staedtler natural and Staedtler mark-2B. Yes, I prefer a slightly soft graphite.

Sharpened one of the Tombows today. The wood, is ok, not a very smooth sharpening experience, but the graphite! Beautiful! Smooth like silk to write with! 

Am really very pleased with this purchase!